Weight Loss Treatment

KARA Aesthetics brings you a unique and holistic Weight Management Program. Our weight loss program is a combination of the latest FDA-approved treatments for body contouring, tightening and reshaping with a completely personalized and customized diet program.

Unique Features of Our Weight loss clinic:

  • We offer a holistic weight management program which includes dietary modifications and body contouring treatments. Weight gain/loss is closely associated with emotional health. Our holistic therapies help you gain internal balance thereby changing your eating pattern and food cravings
  • Our diets are based on your lifestyle, your specific Nutritional needs and Medical problems.
  • We provide nutritionally balanced diets with a variety and combinations of foods.
  • Our diets will be very easy to follow and you will get customized and easy recipes for meal planning.
  • With Strong and Regular follow-ups, our team will provide you with constant support and motivation which will keep you going and help you to achieve your weight loss goals.
  • Our diets will provide you with complete satiety and there is No Starvation.
  • Our scientific Dietary program will provide you with therapeutic benefits like improved cholesterol levels, and improved glucose levels and along with these benefits, you will get better skin, and hair with better energy levels.
  • Our program aims at bringing Lifestyle modification with long-term successful weight management.
  • Finest FDA-approved body contouring and reshaping machines with guaranteed results.
  • The anti-cellulite program includes non-invasive, FDA-approved treatments.
  • We provide targeted weight loss programs for all conditions and age groups. We offer special programs for celebrities, children and teens, PCOD and hormonal imbalances, Diabetes, Thyroid, high cholesterol and other medical issues as well.

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